The argosTrack
package is intended to model animal
movement data collected by the Argos system with state-space
models. It was originally constructed for the analyzes in Albertsen et al. (2015), which was based on the
Continuous Time Correlated Random Walk (Johnson
et al. 2008) movement model. Since then, the package has been
extended to include several movement models, and is now based on
reference classes. The new reference class based implementation gives a
moduled based interface that is (hopefully) easier to use, maintain and
extend. The package has three types of modules: Observation,
Measurement, Movement and Animal. The Observation class is used to
contain the data to be modelled. The Measurement class is used to
specify the measurement part of the state-space model, which can be done
(almost) independently of the actual observations. The Movement classes
implements the process part of the state-space model, and finally the
Animal class collects the parts to a full state-space model, which can
be fitted.
The package includes two data sets from Albertsen et al. (2015); a track from a subadult ringed seal and a track from an adult ringed seal. The adult data is accessed by
## id date lc lat lon
## 1 106373 2011-10-30 13:33:20 B 56.405 -78.889
## 2 106373 2011-10-30 13:42:06 A 56.365 -78.847
## 3 106373 2011-10-30 14:18:19 0 56.396 -78.878
## 4 106373 2011-10-30 14:31:08 B 56.388 -78.863
## 5 106373 2011-10-30 15:04:19 1 56.400 -78.833
## 6 106373 2011-10-30 15:24:11 1 56.421 -78.847
Likewise, the subadult data is accessed by
## id date lc lat lon
## 1 43847 2010-10-20 01:31:57 B 56.526 -79.261
## 2 43847 2010-10-20 02:13:06 1 56.583 -79.174
## 3 43847 2010-10-20 03:12:42 A 56.630 -79.178
## 4 43847 2010-10-20 03:54:43 1 56.638 -79.228
## 5 43847 2010-10-20 06:03:39 A 56.616 -79.126
## 6 43847 2010-10-20 07:23:00 B 56.646 -79.094
We will use the subadult data to illustrate the functionality of the package. For convenience, we remove the ‘Z’ location class, which is usually considered invalid.
The first step in analysing the data using argosTrack
collecting the observation data in the Observation class. The input
required is the longitudes, latitudes, time stamps and Argos location
classes of the track data.
## Observations:
## -------------
## Number of observations: 3583
## First date: 2010-10-20
## Last date: 2011-04-06
## Location classes:
## qual
## GPS 3 2 1 0 A B Z
## 0 92 209 392 263 854 1773 0
A plot of the track, latitudes over time, and longitudes over time
can be produced by the plot
Default plot of movement track from subadult ringed seal.
Each of the plot components can be produced by the functions
, plotLat
, and plotLon
respectively. The plot functions can be customized by a list of base
graphichs arguments as illustrated with the adult ringed seal data.
dateNum <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(d0$date)) - as.numeric(as.POSIXct(d0$date[1]))
plotMap(Observation(lon = d0$lon,
lat = d0$lat,
dates = as.POSIXct(d0$date),
locationclass = d0$lc
),args = list(col=as.numeric(d0$lc),
cex = 3 * dateNum/tail(dateNum,1)
Map of movement track from adult ringed seal.
We now specify the measurement equation of the state-space model
using the Measurement
class. The main argument is
, which specifies whether the data should be
considered normally distributed ("n"
) or t-distributed
). In this example, we model the measurements by a
normal distribution. Another important argument is
, which specifies whether the observations
should be transformed to nautical miles instead of latitudes and
longitudes. The default (FALSE
) is to model the latitudes
and longitudes directly.
## Measurement model
## -----------------
## Measurement distribution: n
## Use nautical observations: FALSE
## Variance parameters:
## GPS 3 2 1 0 A B Z
## Latitude 1 3.674437 108.4620 2214.5400 2113.2874 7211.267 69064.77 8886111
## Longitude 1 5.187231 60.7277 372.5607 442.5706 1620.030 61685.24 8886111
The movement model is specified by Movement
classes. The
class does not itself implement a movement model,
and can not be used directly. Instead, each specific movement model in
the package has its own class, which inherits the Movement
class. Currently, the following classes implements movement models:
CTCRW, DCRW, DIRAC, DSBHN, DSBW, GDCRW, OUL, RW. Information on each
model can be seen in the documentation.
In this example, we use the RW
class, which implements a
random walk model. The class requires the time stamps at which the true
position of the animal should be estimated; in our case, this is every
(unique) time stamp of the data. By default the time steps are
calculated in hours. This can be changed by the timeunit
## Movement model:
## -------------
## Model: Random Walk (RW)
## Movement parameters:
## numeric(0)
## Movement variance parameters:
## log(sigma_lat) log(sigma_lon)
## 0 0
## Number of latent variables: 6834
## Using nautical states: FALSE
## Using time unit: hours
Like the observations, the Movement
classes can be
Default plot of a non-fitted movement class.
Since we have not yet fitted the movement model to data, the plot currently shows the initial values.
To collect the parts, the Animal
class is used. The
class requires an Observation
, Movement
, and
model. Further, it allows us to give an
identifier to the animal.
## Animal 43847
## ------------------
## ------------------
## The model has not been fitted.
## Observations:
## -------------
## Number of observations: 3583
## First date: 2010-10-20
## Last date: 2011-04-06
## Location classes:
## qual
## GPS 3 2 1 0 A B Z
## 0 92 209 392 263 854 1773 0
## Measurement model
## -----------------
## Measurement distribution: n
## Use nautical observations: FALSE
## Variance parameters:
## GPS 3 2 1 0 A B Z
## Latitude 1 3.674437 108.4620 2214.5400 2113.2874 7211.267 69064.77 8886111
## Longitude 1 5.187231 60.7277 372.5607 442.5706 1620.030 61685.24 8886111
## Movement model:
## -------------
## Model: Random Walk (RW)
## Movement parameters:
## numeric(0)
## Movement variance parameters:
## log(sigma_lat) log(sigma_lon)
## 0 0
## Number of latent variables: 6834
## Using nautical states: FALSE
## Using time unit: hours
Using the plot
function shows a combination of the data
from the Observation
class and the Movement
Default plot of a non-fitted animal class.
Maximum likelihood estimation of the model using the Laplace
approximation can be done with the fitTrack
function; a
wrapper for a combination of the TMB
package and
. The silent
argument can be used to
reduce the output written to the terminal during optimization. Depending
on the movement model, further arguments to combine or fix parameters
can be given. More information can be seen in the documentation for each
movement model.
After estimating, the Animal
object has been updated
with the results.
## Animal 43847
## ------------------
## ------------------
## Estimation results
## ------------------
## Time to estimate: 11.355
## Convergence message:
## relative convergence (4)
## Negative log likelihood: -8513.404
## Maximum gradient component: 5.6e-04
## Observations:
## -------------
## Number of observations: 3583
## First date: 2010-10-20
## Last date: 2011-04-06
## Location classes:
## qual
## GPS 3 2 1 0 A B Z
## 0 92 209 392 263 854 1773 0
## Measurement model
## -----------------
## Measurement distribution: n
## Use nautical observations: FALSE
## Variance parameters:
## GPS 3 2 1 0
## Latitude 1.679878e-06 6.172607e-06 9.429987e-13 7.759373e-06 0.0004674616
## Longitude 6.508404e-06 3.376059e-05 6.818810e-13 2.040193e-04 0.0024417375
## A B Z
## Latitude 0.0005639578 0.005589375 14.92758
## Longitude 0.0048599753 0.034029064 57.83440
## Movement model:
## -------------
## Model: Random Walk (RW)
## Movement parameters:
## numeric(0)
## Movement variance parameters:
## log(sigma_lat) log(sigma_lon)
## -3.923377 -3.239045
## Number of latent variables: 6834
## Using nautical states: FALSE
## Using time unit: hours
This is also evident when plotting the object.
Default plot of a fitted animal class.
Not only the Animal
class, but also the
and Movement
class are
## Movement model:
## -------------
## Model: Random Walk (RW)
## Movement parameters:
## numeric(0)
## Movement variance parameters:
## log(sigma_lat) log(sigma_lon)
## -3.923377 -3.239045
## Number of latent variables: 6834
## Using nautical states: FALSE
## Using time unit: hours
Because the random walk model does not have any movement parameters, this can not be seen when printing, but if we plot the object, the estimated locations are changed.
Default plot of a fitted movement class.
The estimated track and its standard errors can be extracted with the
function getTrack
## dates id obs.lon est.lon
## 1 2010-10-20 01:31:57 43847 56.526 -79.261 B 56.58098 -79.17995
## 2 2010-10-20 02:13:06 43847 56.583 -79.174 1 56.58362 -79.17744
## 3 2010-10-20 03:12:42 43847 56.630 -79.178 A 56.61849 -79.19952
## 4 2010-10-20 03:54:43 43847 56.638 -79.228 1 56.63748 -79.21984
## 5 2010-10-20 06:03:39 43847 56.616 -79.126 A 56.63893 -79.15022
## 6 2010-10-20 07:23:00 43847 56.646 -79.094 B 56.66085 -79.11750
## sd.lon
## 1 0.2260276 0.3002310
## 2 622.4857211 1336.7294643
## 3 0.2854371 0.3355757
## 4 0.2366838 0.3063652
## 5 0.2286369 0.3018959
## 6 0.2267473 0.3008016
To simulate from the state-space model (or any part of it), the
function can be used. The following code simulates
observations. The first argument is a Measurement
specifying the model to simulate from; the second argument is the number
of replications, while the third argument is an Observation
class, which specifies the time points and location classes to use. The
parameters used is the result from fitTrack
. If
has not yet been used on the object, the initial
parameters are used.
sobs <- simTrack(meas,1,obs)
plot(t(sobs[,,1]), pch = 16, col= rgb(0,0,0,0.3), xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
Plot of simulated observations
By plotting the simulated observations seperately for each location class, we clearly see how the variance increases with the location class.
pch = 16,
xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = levels(obs$qual)[i],
col= rgb(0,0,0,0.3),
ylim = range(sobs[2,,1]),
xlim = range(sobs[1,,1]))
Plot of simulated observations per location class
Likewise, the function can be used on a Movement
The first argument is the ‘Movement’ class to simulate from, the second
argument is the number of replications, and the third argument is the
initial position. If an initial position is not given, (0,0) is
Plot of simulated movement
If the simTrack
function is used on an
object, both movement and observations are simulated
according to the full state-space model. Further, a new
object is returned. Note, that only the observations
are changed from the object used in the simulation.
## Animal 43847_copy
## ------------------
## ------------------
## Estimation results
## ------------------
## Time to estimate: 11.355
## Convergence message:
## relative convergence (4)
## Negative log likelihood: -8513.404
## Maximum gradient component: 5.6e-04
## Observations:
## -------------
## Number of observations: 3583
## First date: 2010-10-20
## Last date: 2011-04-06
## Location classes:
## qual
## GPS 3 2 1 0 A B Z
## 0 92 209 392 263 854 1773 0
## Measurement model
## -----------------
## Measurement distribution: n
## Use nautical observations: FALSE
## Variance parameters:
## GPS 3 2 1 0
## Latitude 1.679878e-06 6.172607e-06 9.429987e-13 7.759373e-06 0.0004674616
## Longitude 6.508404e-06 3.376059e-05 6.818810e-13 2.040193e-04 0.0024417375
## A B Z
## Latitude 0.0005639578 0.005589375 14.92758
## Longitude 0.0048599753 0.034029064 57.83440
## Movement model:
## -------------
## Model: Random Walk (RW)
## Movement parameters:
## numeric(0)
## Movement variance parameters:
## log(sigma_lat) log(sigma_lon)
## -3.923377 -3.239045
## Number of latent variables: 6834
## Using nautical states: FALSE
## Using time unit: hours
The new Animal
object can be used directly in
to update the parameter values and estimated
## Warning in sqrt(diag(cov)): NaNs produced
## Warning in sqrt(diag(object$cov.fixed)): NaNs produced
## Warning in sqrt(as.numeric(object$diag.cov.random)): NaNs produced
## Warning in sqrt(diag(object$cov.fixed)): NaNs produced
## Warning in sqrt(as.numeric(object$diag.cov.random)): NaNs produced
Now, the new object is updated
## Animal 43847_copy
## ------------------
## ------------------
## Estimation results
## ------------------
## Time to estimate: 9.108
## Convergence message:
## relative convergence (4)
## Negative log likelihood: -8630.438
## Maximum gradient component: 7e-03
## Observations:
## -------------
## Number of observations: 3583
## First date: 2010-10-20
## Last date: 2011-04-06
## Location classes:
## qual
## GPS 3 2 1 0 A B Z
## 0 92 209 392 263 854 1773 0
## Measurement model
## -----------------
## Measurement distribution: n
## Use nautical observations: FALSE
## Variance parameters:
## GPS 3 2 1 0
## Latitude 2.061595e-06 7.575201e-06 1.157266e-12 6.323384e-06 0.0004419754
## Longitude 3.233689e-06 1.677389e-05 3.387916e-13 1.975097e-04 0.0028722179
## A B Z
## Latitude 0.0005738976 0.005281115 18.31956
## Longitude 0.0046444013 0.033081094 28.73492
## Movement model:
## -------------
## Model: Random Walk (RW)
## Movement parameters:
## numeric(0)
## Movement variance parameters:
## log(sigma_lat) log(sigma_lon)
## -3.945934 -3.254290
## Number of latent variables: 6834
## Using nautical states: FALSE
## Using time unit: hours
Plot of estimated locations for the simulation
The estimated parameters can easily be compared to the parameters used in the simulation. Below are the true and estimated variance parameters for the movement model.
## [1] -3.923377 -3.239045
## [1] -3.945934 -3.254290
## vcov is the covariance of both movement and variance parameters
2 * sqrt(diag(an2$movement$vcov))
## logSdState logSdState
## 0.04896202 0.05564258